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来源:读研网 2024-05-14
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  准备参加2024年同等学力国考同学,准考证可以打印了!大家在浏览器打开进入 “中国教育考试网” 官网,并点击进入 “同等学力申请硕士学位考试”,进行登录打印。




  Part VII Writing

  Directions: Write a composition in no less than 150 words on the topic: What do you think of advanced artificial intelligence? You should write according to the outline given below. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

  Recently, Google’s Alpha Go defeated a human Go champion in a series of matches. There has arisen a fear that artificial intelligence will become better than us, and will come to dominate humanity.List and discuss the reasons why we should or should not fear.




  ’different views’-不同的观点

  ’prefer to stay’-更愿意留在

  ’value stability’-重视稳定性

  ’deepening skills’-深化技能

  ’building strong relationships’-建立牢固的关系

  ’long-term commitment’-长期承诺

  ’sense of community’- 社区感

  ’career growth’-职业成长

  ’enjoy changing jobs’-喜欢换工作

  ’seek new challenges’-寻求新挑战

  ’broader experiences’-更广泛的经验

  ’opportunity to learn and adapt’-学习和适应的机会

  ’job-hopping keeps them engaged’-跳槽使他们保持参与感14.’prevent career stagnation’-防止职业停滞

  ’fast-paced information era’-快节奏的信息时代

  ’chance to learn, develop, and reach full potential’-学习、发展和实现全部潜力的机会申

  ’balance job-hopping with a sense of direction and purpose’-平衡跳槽与方向感和目的感

  ’long-term career goals’-长期职业目标

  'depends on personal values, career aspirations, and industry dynamics’ -取决于个人价值观、职业抱负和行业动态

  ’merits and drawbacks’-优点和缺点

  ’find a balance’找到平衡

  ’personal and professional growth' 个人和职业成长



       As is shown in the table, the number of / the ratio of(某件事情的数字或比例)dropped / rose (根据图表上的实际情况下降还是上升) from ... to ...(图标上的两个数字). This is an obvious change in recent years, which points out a prevailing phenomenon that(图表所反映的现象).

  There are several factors in our life which might cause such phenomenon. First of all, it may comes from (第一个原因). For example, when______(适当举例), we possibly run into the similar situation. Furthermore, we could attribute it to another reason that (第二个原因). Last but not least, (第三个原因). There comes a case that_______(适当举例).

  From the above discussions, we have enough reasons to predict what will happen in the near future. So it is the high time for us to take some necessary steps as listed here: one is to_______(建议一), while at the same time, we have to______(建议二). As for the most important, ______(最重要的一点是).


       According to the showing picture / story(看具体是画还是一段文字), it describes that______(具体的画面内容). The carton / story is exactly a mirror of our daily life, which is trying to use a humorous / vivid way to warn us that______.(画面/故事反映的问题)

  As a matter of fact, there are several reasons / effects (问题产生的原因或影响) of such an issue which occurs frequently in life. First of all, when people talk about it, ______(原因或影响) comes into our mind without any hesitation. Then, it is also important for us to accept______(原因或影响). Last but not least, in order to keep society sustainably developing,_______(原因或影响) shall be under perfect control.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that________(得出结论).



  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious phenomenon that_______(现象总结). It is necessary for us to analyze its causes so as to find out what we can do to solve / prevent / tackle this problem.

  As far as I am concerned, the causes for this problem could be listed as follows. First of all, one apparent reason is_______ (原因一). Then, _______ (原因二) has also caused substantial impact on the society. Moreover, some people may blame it to_______ (原因三).

  Accordingly, a dozen of measures are supposed to be taken to prevent the problem from bringing us more harm/to solve the problem. Firstly, we shall spare no effort to________ (措施或建议). Besides, it would be efficient for us to_______ (其他措施或建议). With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.


  Along with the rapid development of Chinese economy and improvement of Chinese people’s living standard, more and more people are coming to realize the serious problem of ______(主题). So it is of great importance for us to pay attention to_______(主题).

  There are several factors which might cause this problem. First of all,______(原因一)can not be excluded. Furthermore, people feel troubled about_______(原因二). Last but not least, an obvious reason could be_______(原因三).

  There is no doubt that attention should be paid and great efforts must be taken. On one hand, we had better_______ (建议或措施). On the other hand, we shall learn to_______(其他建议或措施) and make this measure into practice. As long as we combine our efforts together, there is a greater chance that we can solve the problem.



  As the society becomes more and more advanced and complicated,_______ (主题) plays an important role in the life of individual members of the society and in the development of the society itself. It is universally acknowledged that______(主题) arouse more public attentions.

  There can be no doubt that the significance of_____ (主题) can be clearly seen in the following aspects. First of all, _______(积极影响一) plays a positive role in our life. Besides, many people make progress through_______(积极影响二). What’s more, if we spend more time on______ (主题), we have more chance to_______(积极影响三). It is obvious that people are attaching greater importance to the quality of their life thanks to______(主题) .

  As far as I am concerned, _____ (主题) is a positive trend and should be encouraged since it is beneficial not merely to individuals but to the whole society.


  Nowadays,______(主题) has been playing an increasingly important role in our society. It not only promotes efficiency at work and study but also improves close relations between individual members. Therefore, I believe______(主题) is an indispensable element for the harmonious development of society.

  As far as I am concerned, the benefits of ______(主题) could be listed as follows. In the first place, we can not deny that______ (积极影响一) stands out. For instance,_______(举例). Besides, we could also get improved when_______ (积极影响二). Above all, talking about such a topic always reminds us of ______(积极影响三). To take an example, ________(举例).

  _______(主题) , in my opinion, is extremely helpful in making us work better and it is an essential element to build a healthy relationship between each other, as well as to enrich our lives.



  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious phenomenon that______ (现象总结). Like everything else,______ (主题) has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. As far as I am concerned, I think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages.(优点、缺点的位置可互换,表示弊大于利或者利大于弊)

  I am fully convinced that its advantages / disadvantages gains the upper hand. The reasons could be listed as below. First of all, people mostly agree that______ (原因一). Besides,_______(原因二) is another truth we must face. Last but not least, there is a growing awareness of ______ (原因三)

  Taking all these into account, we can draw a conclusion that its advantages / disadvantages could not be ignored and would bring about effects into our lives. It is significant to hold a suitable attitude towards it.


  As is known to all, the issue of______ (现象) has become one of the hottest aspects of people’s concern. When it comes to this question, different people have different opinions. Some people are totally favorable, and they encourage this phenomenon, while others argue that would bring much troubles, to them, it is not a good trend.

  Those who are in favor of (或者opposed to)______ (主题) believe that it has following advantages (disadvantages) : first of all,_______(原因一) has attracted much of our attention in life. Furthermore, when people touch upon the issue, they would surely_______(原因二). Finally,_______ (原因三) has been more evident than ever. To illustrate this aspect, _______ (举例)

  Like anything else, we are all aware that_______ (主题) has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. There is probably some truth to any argument. But I firmly believe that________ (主题), as an emerging issue, would benefit / threaten us a lot.

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